Honest and Reliable 100% Domestic Production
Product Name│esselsoop CORN FIBER 3D MASK
Size/Color│Large / White
Ingredients│ Lining, Middle, Outer Fabric (100% PLA non-woven fabric), Ear String (spandex, nylon), polypropylene coated wire
Features│BPA FREE / PLA Triple Structure / Prevents Moisture Absorption / Reduces CO2
Product Name│esselsoop MUST CARE PLA Triple One-Day Children's Mask
Size/Color│Small (155mm X 85mm) / White
Ingredients│Lining, Outer (100% PLA non-woven fabric) / Middle (MB filter),Plastic Cloth Wire, Nylon String
Features│PLA Material (corn ingredient) / Design Patent Registration/ Droplet Locking Effect / Triple Structure (MB filter)
Product Name│esselsoop MUST CARE Slim KF-AD Children's Mask
Size/Color│Small (155mm X 85mm) / White
Ingredients│Lining, Outer fabric (non-woven fabric) / Middle (MB filter), Plastic Sheathed Wire, Nylon String
Features│KF-AD Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Certification / Design Patent Registration / Droplet Blocking Effect / Triple Structure (MB filter)
Product Name│MUST CARE Triple Protection Disposable Mask
Size/Color│Large (175mm X 95mm) / White
Ingredients│Non-woven fabric, Plastic Coated Wire, Nylon String
Features│Air Filter for Easy Breathing / High-quality Non-woven Fabric, Triple Protection Design / Made from Soft Tactile Material